(BPT) – Before you take that next breath, do you know what’s in the air in your home? Sure there’s oxygen and carbon dioxide – that much you know – but it’s the things you don’t know about that should concern you.
A quick test of your indoor air quality can unearth the presence of several, unwanted contaminants in your air, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like formaldehyde, allergens like dust mites, as well as mold and other particulates. This is the material you’re unknowingly breathing in every day, and continued exposure to it can lead to future health concerns.
So what can you do about the quality of your air? Do you have to just breathe it in and deal with it? Hardly. You can dramatically improve the air quality in your home, and doing so is easier than you thought. Start by implementing these five tips.
* Keep the floors clean. Many of the particulates and allergens found in your home’s air are kicked up from the floor as people or pets move about. Diligently cleaning the floors is a good way to minimize this concern. So whether your tool of choice is a vacuum, a mop or a broom, focus on the floors and your family will benefit.
* Build a wall against formaldehyde. If you’re like most people, you spend about 90 percent of your time indoors and that choice exposes you to a greater risk of inhaling formaldehyde and getting sick. Most people associate formaldehyde with laboratories and mortuaries but there are actually many sources of the chemical in the average home including glue, particle board, plywood, paper product coatings and other household chemicals. Fortunately, you don’t have to suffer this drop in air quality, there are solutions to clean your air and remove formaldehyde. AirRenew with M2Tech uses an innovative patent pending technology to actively clean your home’s air. This advanced drywall captures and transforms formaldehyde into inert compounds, and never re-emits them into the air, preserving your air quality. “Not only is it mold-resistant, it actually absorbs volatile organic compounds for up to 75 years,” said contractor and home improvement expert Mike Holmes. “This isn’t just about doing the basement; this should be the whole house.”
* Service the furnace. Is your home’s furnace running optimally? If it’s not, it could be jeopardizing the quality of your air. Your furnace should be serviced annually by a trained technician to make sure it’s running properly. After that, it’s up to you to make sure the furnace filter is replaced every month. Set the first day of the month as your day to change your filter and you’ll never forget.
* Circulate fresh air. This may not be doable on the coldest days of winter but during the other three seasons, try to have the windows open as much as possible. Even an hour or two of fresh air breezing through your home can dramatically improve your indoor air quality.
* Don’t smoke. Among its many other negatives, nicotine use is the leading cause of lung cancer. If you’re a smoker, the deterioration of your home’s air quality is just one more reason to quit. Start your quit plan today and you’ll be breathing easier indoors and out.
Your home is your castle and you should feel safe and comfortable whenever you’re there so follow the tips above to improve the air quality in your home. And once you do, take a deep breath, you’ve earned it.
To learn more about AirRenew with M2Tech, visit CertainTeed.com/CleanTheAir.