(BPT) – You probably put little thought into your garage door. You touch a button. The door opens, closes and you go about your day.
While the garage door — the largest, heaviest moving object in your home — serves as the primary entry point of the home to many of us, it can also be dangerous if not used and maintained properly.
June is Garage Door Safety Month and it’s a great time for all homeowners to review important safety tips. Many of these are highlighted in a new safety video at GarageDoorCare.com, a non-commercial website dedicated to helping homeowners understand how garage doors work. The video is available in both English and Spanish.
Here are a few tips to help keep your family safe:
1. Always keep hands and fingers away from moving parts. Never touch a garage door or its components while the door is in motion.
2. Remotes and openers aren’t toys; however, the buttons may be very attractive to children. Take precautions to keep them out of little ones’ reach.
3. Children should not be able to reach wall-mounted controls. Be sure to install push-button wall controls at least 5 feet off the ground.
4. Children and adults should never stand, run or play under a garage door. When a garage door is moving, be sure to stand at least several yards away.
5. Never try to enter or exit the garage by racing under a moving garage door.
6. When opening or closing the garage door, always keep the door in view until the door is fully opened or fully closed. Make certain that no adults, children or animals try to enter or exit while the door is moving.
7. Homeowners can — and should — perform simple chores such as semi-annual lubrication of garage door hinges, rollers and springs. Other tasks like spring repair/replacement, track and roller repair/replacement and door installation are best left to trained service professionals to ensure the work is done properly and to avoid potential injuries.
Visit GarageDoorCare.com and click on the Find a Qualified Professional tab to locate a qualified professional nearby. The International Door Association, a worldwide association of leading garage door and access professionals, sponsors GarageDoorCare.com.
IDA members are committed to operating businesses under the IDA Code of Business Conduct, a commitment to professionalism and safety that helps homeowners avoid unscrupulous firms that impose unneeded parts and repairs that result in inflated bills. Find a professional before you need one — then if you need help with your garage door, you’ll know the service work will be completed properly at a fair price.