(BPT) – Most couples acknowledge that women get the majority of space in the bathroom. In fact, men claim that just one-third of the bathroom is set aside for their things, according to the 2014 U.S. Dove Men+Care Hair Survey, and they often reach for items that belong to their partner, instead of products made for them.
Dove Men+Care, which offers hair care products made specifically for men, has partnered with well-known home improvement duo, Mark and Theresa Clement, to help men reclaim a bathroom space of their own. The Clements, who are space-maximizing pros through their own personal experiences and frequent client requests, dole out some helpful tips for sharing a bathroom with your partner:
* Mark suggests, “Even before you start organizing your space, talk about what you’re looking for! Do you like the top shelf—or do you prefer the bottom? Are you frustrated by open shampoo tops or soap left on the shower floor? Speak up! It can be helpful to organize your space together.”
* Try to keep in mind that sharing space is all about compromise. Some need more cabinet space while others need more space in the shower. Theresa advises, “Try to be flexible with your partner’s requests! I love having my products easily accessible, but I know Mark does, too. Do your best to divide space according to your needs and always respect your partner’s space.”
* Play with boundaries. Creating structure will remind you which area is yours…and which belongs to your partner. The Clements love “his-and-hers” shelves or shower caddies and also recommend customized drawers or cabinet space if you’re looking to invest in your home.
* Stock products for both of you. About nine in 10 men have borrowed their partners’ products, according to the 2014 U.S. Dove Men+Care Hair Survey, but many women wish they didn’t. To stop the cycle, find a product he likes, such as Aqua Impact Shampoo from Dove Men+Care Hair—and keep using your favorites!
* While you may not have an eye for decor like Theresa, putting your own stamp on the area is important. “Don’t forget about decorations,” she says. “Moving in together means creating a space for his and her tastes. Explore the colors and themes each of you prefers and find a way to combine the two for a unique style.”
Jumpstart your way to a happy bathroom, with the full range of Dove Men+Care products, and these great tips from Mark & Theresa.