(BPT) – After the snow and ice has melted away each spring, drivers and homeowners around the country are left with their aftermath — annoying and destructive potholes.
Millions of potholes in the U.S. wreak havoc on vehicles as they try to navigate around them on damaged roads and bridges, in parking lots and on driveways all over the country, leading to nearly a half million insurance claims each year.
Potholes can cause your vehicle to have serious alignment problems, bend your wheel rims and wreck your tires, as well as put your shocks and struts through the wringer — all leading to costly repair bills.
The worst thing is that it’s impossible to avoid potholes entirely as you go about your business every day, even when you’re driving on your own property.
While you can’t do anything but hope for repairs to get started soon on the roads you travel regularly, there is something you can do about your own driveway. Why not avoid further damage by making repairs to your driveway yourself? You’ll not only prevent problems with your vehicles, but you’ll keep your property looking in better shape all year round.
Permanently fixing your own driveway’s potholes is not difficult or expensive, as long as you have the right materials and know-how, whether your driveway is concrete or asphalt.
Here are the materials and steps you’ll need to complete your driveway repair.
Safety warning: Before working with any cementitious or asphalt-based products, always wear eye protection and gloves.
Steps for repairing asphalt potholes
- Square the pothole edges as much as possible using a chisel, hammer and shovel.
- Pour QPR High Performance Permanent Pavement Repair into the hole about 2 to 3 inches above the surrounding asphalt.
- Consolidate and compact the blacktop repair with a tamper until a firm surface is achieved.
- A trick to further compact the repair material is to place a piece of plywood over the patch, and then slowly drive back and forth over the plywood in a vehicle several times.
To watch an easy-to-follow video on how to repair your asphalt potholes, check out QPRUSA.com.
Steps for repairing concrete potholes
- Square pothole edges as much as possible using a chisel, hammer and shovel.
- Mix QUIKRETE 5000 Concrete Mix as directed on the package.
- Remove any debris from the pothole and apply concrete bonding adhesive with a brush.
- Pour concrete mix into the hole about one inch above the surrounding concrete.
- Pull a 2-by-4 over the surface in a sawing motion before using a wood float to smooth the surface.
- Texture the surface with a stiff-bristled brush or broom.
- Allow pothole repair to set for 48 hours before driving on surface.
For more tips, information and directions, including helpful how-to videos on repairing damaged concrete surfaces, visit QUIKRETE.com.