(BPT) – You hit the diving board, get some air and tuck up for the biggest cannonball of the season. It feels good to be back in the pool again. Or so you think. Because the truth is, if you knew what was in the pool water you were jumping into, maybe you wouldn’t be jumping in the first place.
A crowded pool
Swimmers and pool owners alike know pools are full of chemicals such as chlorine, but pools that lack proper maintenance allow for plenty of unwelcome guests as well. Pathogens, bacteria, algae and other invaders can all call a pool’s water home without proper cleaning. “The importance of ph and alkalinity levels are often overlooked,” says Matt Giovanisci of Swim University. “The balance of the water is one of the most important things.”
Giovanisci says that while maintaining proper ph and alkalinity levels are a key first step that will allow the chlorine to do its job, many pool owners just aren’t too excited about the maintenance side of pool ownership, increasing the threat of pathogens contaminating the water.
Today’s technology makes it easy
Pool ownership today is vastly advanced from just 10 years ago, offering pool owners easy solutions to cleaner pools, without relying solely on chemicals.
Older methods of pool cleaning include the use of pole vacuums and either suction or pressure side cleaners. Today however, the market is decidedly shifting toward robotic pool cleaners, and Giovanisci says it’s easy to see why. “Robotic pool cleaners do three things real well,” he says. “They vacuum and scrub pool floors, some actually scrub the walls helping to remove algae and prevent permanent staining, they have a filtration system built into them that helps purify the water, and they help circulate the water and available chemicals to provide a healthier cleaner pool.”
Many owners also appreciate the robotic pool cleaner’s energy efficiency as it only costs about 5 cents a cycle hour to use. Robotic pool cleaners also work independently, just set them in the pool, press a button and off they go, saving pool owners both time and labor. Prices have also come down considerably, making them more affordable than ever.
“When it comes to robotic pool cleaners, my favorite brand has to be Aquabot,” Giovanisci says. “They invented robotic pool cleaning and make a really simple and easy-to-use product.” The best pool cleaners are specifically designed to also filter the pool’s water, helping to remove the harmful contaminants. Aquabot robotic pool cleaners, for example, actually filter water down to two microns, reducing the need to rely solely on chemical solutions. And one innovation that really seems to help are the power washing jets; they channel the clean, filtered water to power wash surfaces and help vacuum small particles like silt and sand.
Whatever pool cleaning solution you decide upon, Giovanisci says efficiency is the key. “Purchase from brands you trust and let technology do the work for you. And with all of the options available today, simply invest in the features that are important to you and your pool,” he says. “Enjoy and with minimal effort you’ll have the cleanest, healthiest pool in the neighborhood.”