You’ll never worry about crooked pictures, leaning ledges, or damaged walls again. With Level-Line, you can hang one picture or create a complete decorator look in just minutes ¿ even if you’re a non-do-it-yourselfer. 3 piece Traditional Walnut Level Line ledge set. This complete decorating solution in a box includes a 12″, 18″ and 24″ ledge. Create your own personal wall display using ledges together or separately. Level-Line comes with everything you need: Mounting bracket with built-in level, Hanging hardware, Living-room quality wood and laminate materials, Multiple, acid-free (archival quality) Flex-Mats, Easy-to-follow instructions and Decorating ideas. Whether you’re handy or all thumbs, you’ll love Level-Line because it requires only one set of hands, mounts in minutes, ensures a straight, level “hang”, pulls wall décor flush to the wall, adjusts side to side, eliminates need for level, screwdriver, tape measure, ruler, spackle, and paint for repairing holes.Burnes of Boston Walnut Level Line 3 Pack Ledge Set, wall decor
Traditional 3 piece Walnut wood ledge set includes 12″, 18″, and 24″ ledges all with 4″ depths
Includes unique mounting bracket with built in level for easy one person installation, and mounts perfectly level and flush against the wall
Install only using a hammer (other hardware included), side to side adjustment for exact placement
Average mounting time is only 2 minutes
3 piece Traditional Walnut Level Line ledge set includes a 12″, 18″ and 24″ ledge all with a 4″ depth.
Includes unique mounting bracket with built in level for easy one person installation
Install using only a hammer (other hardware included) – average mounting time per item is only 2 minutes!
Mounts perfectly level and flush against the wall
Side to side adjustment for exact placement