(BPT) – As soon as the first morning frost appears and the first snowflakes start to pile up, many begin looking forward to spring. Images of green leaves, red and orange blossoms, fresh vegetables and herbs help keep the cold winter days manageable as you wait for the ground to thaw so you can start planting. A good green thumb knows early starts in the garden or yard ensure lush, healthy plants, especially if you’re planting trees.
Many people do not realize that they shouldn’t wait for summer. Young trees do best when they are put into the ground in spring and have ample time to establish themselves in the soil before either extremes of heat of cold hit.
Therefore, if part of your winter landscaping daydreams include planting trees, it’s important to know you’ll need to be ready to plant early. Winter is an opportunity to begin planning.
Five simple ways trees are practical and beautiful
Few things can be so practical and as beautiful as a tree. It’s no wonder that with the rising popularity of the do-it-yourself lifestyle, more people are deciding to plant trees in their yard. Here are five simple reasons why:
1. A mature tree can add up to $10,000 to your property value.
2. Trees can reduce energy costs by providing shade to a house in the summer.
3. Trees naturally offset carbon emissions.
4. Because many change from season to season, trees add a variety of different colors to your yard and allow for a range of creative choices and combinations.
5. Trees help make memories. Watching a tree grow in your yard from year to year builds a connection between you, your family, your home and the memories you make there.
An easy way to get started
The nonprofit Arbor Day Foundation is encouraging people to get an early start on their tree planting this year by offering 10 free flowering trees with a $10 membership. Which 10 flowering trees a new member will receive is based on what the state forester recommends or other trees selected for your area to ensure they thrive when planted.
The 6 to 12-inch trees are guaranteed to grow and are currently scheduled to be shipped in March or April, a perfect time for optimal, early season planting. So if you’re already getting excited about spring projects, visit www.arborday.org/earlyplanting to make sure your trees arrive at the right time for planting where you live.