With the birding hobby’s growing audience of 60 million Americans and counting, you’re sure to have someone on your holiday list looking to attract more feathered friends to his or her yard.
Online shopping has made checking people off your list easier than ever, and with flash deals and various holiday promotions available, you can give more bird love for a lower price. These gift ideas will invite more visiting birds and allow the recipient to identify who is feasting at the feeders:
Natural benefits of feeders:
Not only do birders benefit from expanding their collection of bird feeders, but nature does, too. The colder temperatures create tough natural feeding environments for birds, as some plants and insects are not available during winter months. Hosting sources of seed and water on your property allows you to attract birds all year long.
Hummingbird lovers:
When it comes to spotting hummingbirds, there’s a good chance birders unanimously would say “the more the merrier!” Hummingbirds are territorial and therefore appreciate being able to dine at multiple feeders, so give a hummingbird lover a feeder to add to their collection. A large capacity hummingbird feeder, like the Perky-Pet The Grand Master Hummingbird Feeder, is ideal for feeding a large amount of hummingbirds using fewer nectar refills.
Wild bird lovers:
A variety of wild birds can be attracted using various types of seed. Seed feeders are a popular staple in birders’ yards because they are easy to maintain and are effective at providing birds with food.
Gift a seed feeder with a personal touch by creating a custom seed feeder. Perky-Pet offers a Design-A-Feeder seed feeder constructed with high quality, long lasting materials and the ability to mix and match component colors.
The gift of education:
Children love to learn about nature and the animals around them, which makes bird watching a wonderful kid-friendly activity to consider. A gift set including a bird feeder, birdseed and a guide to identifying backyard birds introduces this hobby to young birders and helps them learn about the birds they’re identifying.
As the holiday season approaches, consider sharing the bird love. Economical and personalized products make gifting to a birder an easy and enjoyable task, and not only do they benefit the recipient by engaging their interests, but also add value to nature and the environment.