As fall comes roaring around the corner, many homeowners may be wrapping up the last of their exterior home improvement projects, are just under way or may still be deciding on what to touch up. The important thing to remember is to at least be proactive in either starting a project or at least noticing whether or not certain areas of your home need repairs.
Whether or not the exterior of your home needs repairs or could just use a simple remodel, just because the weather’s turning a bit cooler doesn’t mean you can’t still be creative with how you improve the aesthetic aspects. Springtime shouldn’t have to be the start for when you can improve the look. Fall’s sometimes just as great a time as any to flex your creative muscles.
There are plenty of ways to spice up the look of your home and still have it be protective to the foundation at the same time. From remodeling window frames or adding copper bay window hoods to help bring out the front entrance of your home to even going the extra mile and changing up your roofing…there are plenty of ways to show off your home.
Stylize Your Windows
Having to say that your windows need a jolt in both appearance and protection can seem a little strong. But adding a little something extra to the window frame or updating the hoods and overhangs can help fill in the gaps and give your home some added depth. Now, I’m not talking about switching out your regular windows for stained-glass or something completely different. It’s more to do with updates, maybe looking into copper bay window hoods instead of relying on just the regular asphalt roofing.
But then your next question may be, “Well if I put in copper bay window hoods, then I’ll need to replace the roofing as well?” And while some might do that to stay copper all the way around, you don’t necessarily have to. In fact, putting copper panels just around the windows and doorway hang, and leaving the main roofing untouched (be it wooden, aluminum or asphalt) plays to the whole styling mantra.
Doorway Designer
Speaking of doorways, adding some flair to your entrance can go hand-in-hand with the aforementioned roofing styles around the windows and maybe to roof as well. First and foremost, though, you should make sure you have enough front yard real estate to accomodate a doorway extension. Even though an arch doorway extension adds appeal to the front of the home, you shouldn’t compromise the front landscape by having to knock out bushes or flower beds if there already there.
But should you choose to go and redesign your doorway, here are a few styles to consider with accompanying photos.
And with all the variety comes the question of which roofing type to adorn the arches. Depending on which style you opt for with the entrance, try mix and matching styles in the same vein as the window panels. Sometimes copper would be great for the window overhangs, but not so with the doorway. Or vice versa. You’ll be the final judge with preference, but having a copper dormer in place can make the doorway entrance stand out more than it does already.
Concluding Thoughts
As far as the appeal of your home’s frontal views are concerned, sometimes you can tweak the style of exterior improvements by either adding contrasting roofing styles with that of the actual roof or by simply playing it safe and updating every roofing style to one type. That’s the beauty of copper roofing materials is you can add a little flair or go all out and update every overhang. And as the copper ages over time (the patina look), you have one more appealing benefit to look forward to.
This was a guest contribution from a local copper roofing contractor out of Kansas City, Patriot Metal Works, who’ve been providing local residents and commercial buildings with unique metal roofing options year-round.