Saving energy in the home is a hot topic recently. This is because saving energy has more than a few excellent benefits; some of the most important of which include saving money and being more environmentally-friendly.
In the home, there are a few options that you have to really be able to focus on saving energy. Most of these options will fall within electrical appliances.
However, although saving energy through electrical appliances is the most popular option, you can also save a lot of energy by installing low flow shower heads and other faucets, as well as dual flush toilets.
But, back to the appliances.
If you are looking to save some energy in your home, then look at the following 5 appliances, all of which will really help you save quite a bit of energy:
- Boilers – technology has now advanced in such a way that many people are installing highly energy efficient biomass boilers in their home. Not only are they a great source of inexpensive heat, but they also dramatically reduce your homes carbon footprint.
- Digital thermometers – if you don’t want to take the step towards installing a new boiler in your home, then consider regulating your homes heat. Digital thermometers will allow you to set how hot the heat gets and also lets you raise and lower the heat at specific times during the day or night.
- Lighting timers – these are also great and inexpensive tools that can be used in order to save both money and energy in the long run. Use timers to set lights to turn on just before you arrive home in the winter, so the lights won’t need to be kept on all day. Or to turn off, just after you have gone to sleep.
- Induction cooktop – although you may love cooking with gas at home, you are actually burning quite a bit of energy by using it. If you switched to an induction cooktop, it uses almost 100% of the energy it produces, as proposed to 55% for a standard gas cooktop.
- Convection heater – for those with older homes which might produce a draft, or have less efficient heating systems, a portable heater is another great money saving option. These use very little energy but at the same time can produce quite a bit of heat in an area.
Using these appliances will be a great first step towards reducing the energy costs in your home.
This article has been provided by Electric Point, one of the largest electrical wholesaler groups in the UK. With their extensive stock, broad range of specialist products, they will be able to serve most of your needs. Please visit their website at to find out more.