Courtney Clymer of Lifestyled Atlanta previously renovated her master bathroom, but wasn’t able to add all the finishing touches she wanted. Now, Courtney is giving her space a refresh and adding a tile wall behind her vanity.
Take a look at how Courtney used peel and stick Smart Tiles to achieve the perfect master bathroom backsplash!
Master Bathroom Backsplash Refresh
I am so excited about our master bathroom backsplash update using Smart Tiles. When we first renovated our master bathroom (took part of our hallway and the previous tiny master bath to make this large space), we did it on a tight budget. That meant that although I would have loved to do a tile wall behind the vanity, that quickly dropped off the list due to cost. When I heard about Smart Tiles, I knew this could be the perfect, cost-effective solution!
I have to admit, I was a little bit skeptical about how these would look in person. I was so pleasantly surprised to find that these ultra-thin sheets look just like tile; not plastic-y or cheap! We chose the Hexago Decorative Mosaic Wall Tile Backsplash. Since we already have subway tile in our shower and rectangular marble flooring, I really wanted a different shape to contrast all the straight lines. I love how simple and white this is, but with a trendy hexagonal shape.
I can’t believe how thin these are. I pictured sheets that were about ½- to 1-in. thick and was so surprised when I opened the box. Each sheet is so thin that you simply use a paper cutter to cut it!
Here’s a before picture. We have a plain wall with no lighting.
Step 1: Start in a Corner
Start in a corner (we chose to start at the top left corner). Since our tile was hexagonal, we had to cut the sides of the smart tile that touched the top of the wall and left side of the wall so that they were flush. With a straight-lined tile you wouldn’t need to do this.
Step 2: Placing the Smart Tiles
Peel the adhesive sheet off the back, then place the Smart Tile sheet on the wall and after you have it straight, start pressing from the top left corner, all the way to the bottom right.
Check out this video to see how we installed the tile!
Step 3: Smooth out Bubbles
Press hard and smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles as you go. You have to press extra hard around the seams to make sure none are visible.
Step 4: Overlap the Sheets
Apply each sheet slightly overlapping the previous (this is explained in the instructions manual). Cut with paper cutter when needed. Our wall was pretty square so we didn’t have to do too much of this.
Step 5: Perfect Your Bathroom Backsplash
This is a task for perfectionists! Make sure that each sheet is even and straight, overlapping just the right amount. You will be able to tell how much to overlap each sheet by looking at the “grout” line. You want to make sure it doesn’t look too thick or have a visible seam.
Step 6: Repeat
Repeat step 5 until the entire wall is covered!
Step 7: Caulk the Edges
Finally, use caulk around all the edges of the walls to cover any places where the wall wasn’t completely square and you might have gaps.
Final Reveal
And, ta-da! A full bathroom tile wall in just a few hours work at a fraction of the cost of regular tile. We also installed these sconces from The Home Depot and I love how much light they add, plus the contrast of the brass and chrome.
We couldn’t be more thrilled with our master bathroom update!
Shout-out to Harrison for being a champ and installing this for me. I love pretty things, but perfectionism is not one of my strengths. If I had been the one laying this “tile,” it would not be a pretty sight.
Follow our Bathroom Design Ideas board on Pinterest for more bathroom update inspiration. Find more bathroom backsplash ideas on The Home Depot Blog.
Find more easy-to-install, peel-and-stick Smart Tiles at The Home Depot.
The post Bathroom Backsplash Refresh appeared first on The Home Depot Blog.